The African continent is rapidly urbanizing (1.2 billion Africans will reside in cities by 2030) absent the employment opportunities historically associated with cities and lacking the conventional facilities, infrastructures, and technologies that are generally associated with urban life. While many efforts to “modernize,” redesign, and re-plan African cities focus on making them “world class”—serving as urban gateways to Africa for a new elite and technically proficient class—cities from Lagos to Kigali are equally shaped by the activities, needs, and desires of those displaced, precisely to accommodate such efforts at modernization. As one response to such trends this course challenges some of the predominant ways in which “development” is understood to be occurring in African urban centers to think about the paradoxes of development in relation to informal and unplanned infrastructure and the new modes of life, livelihood, and leisure that are emerging in concert with formal architecture and design. Two conditions arise from these contradictory tendencies to urbanization and informal development: the one is a prevailing sense of crisis and precarity; the other, in the form of a response, is ingenuity in the face of crisis. Ingenuity comes in many forms including the corralling of resources, the building of informal homes, and in a general disposition to “getting by” in the face of limited resources, services, and infrastructures. Acknowledging these as the operative conditions of African city life, how then do such cities (Accra, Johannesburg, or Kinshasa, for example) invite us to reimagine what we understand by terms such as “development,” “employment,” “infrastructure” or indeed “citizenship”? This course will begin to explore some of these questions attending to the many ways in which residents of African cities and African residents of cities in the Diaspora, including in Italy and the United States, find ways to imagine futures beyond the limitations of the present.
This course aligns with the Cities and Global Change specialization track inclusive of the question of “Creative City-ness in the Global South.”
NO preliminary knowledge required
This course aligns with the Cities and Global Change specialization track inclusive of the question of “Creative City-ness in the Global South.”
NO preliminary knowledge required
- Teacher: Chiara Alessandrini
- Teacher: Cristina Di Gioia
- Teacher: Anne-Maria Makhulu
- Teacher: Francesca Zennaro